There are many reasons to make your own sauces, they taste better, you can control what goes into them. It’s usually cheaper in the long run and lets be honest, when you tell people you make your own sauces it sounds impressive.

Today I give you my super easy satay sauce. With pictures.



Peanut butter, I use Meridian because it has 3 ingredients, peanuts, oil and salt. No added sugars, no rubbish.

Coconut cream, very versatile and can be used in curries, breakfasts, smoothies, the list goes on.

Stock cube, ok I cheat a bit here, but it’s quick and simple. I use ham stock cubes (you can substitute for vegetable if you choose) and only ever use half in this recipe. I use knorr because they are gluten free, but feel free to use your preferred brand.

Chilli flakes, these are optional but it gives it just a wee kick

Salt & Pepper, more of a condiment than an ingredient


If you are new to buying natural peanut butter you won’t be used to oils separating within the peanut butter before it’s opened. Worry not, stir until it’s mixed and it’s fine. Don’t pour the oil away(!!) otherwise your peanut butter will dry up, clump and be ruined.


For the sauce:

Melt 1/2 a ham stock cube in boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, chilli flakes, salt and pepper and stir. It might look like it will never combine, but just keep stirring.




Once melted add the coconut cream and stir through.

Simmer for a few minutes, making sure that the mixture doesn’t get too thick.

Turn off the heat and your satay sauce is complete.

Job done.


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