I love Pitch Perfect, I went with my boyfriend and he kinda assumed it was a chick flick but after the film he admitted that he really enjoyed it too.

And when they broke out “No Diggity” I knew it was a winner.
(Now I can play it in my classes and people recognise it)

The best line from the film for me was from Fat Amy.

Aubrey: What’s your name?
Fat Amy: Fat Amy.
Aubrey: You call yourself Fat Amy?
Fat Amy: Yeah, so twig bitches like you don’t do it behind my back

stop apologising

When I heard that it suddenly hit me.

It never crossed my mind to be this ballsy and so accepting of my body, regardless of size.

I spent years introducing myself with a completely different undertone.


“Hi I’m Ainzlie, I eat healthy and go to the gym because I want to lose this belly fat”


As if admitting it and apologising for my obvious flaws meant I was then worthy of attention.

^^^ Crazy right?


Maybe, but perhaps you’ve felt the same?


Felt that you shouldn’t eat certain things around certain people incase you look greedy
Felt that you should talk more about your exercise programme so that people know that you’re trying
Voluntarily worn long tops in summer to hide your arms because you’re self conscious


Always apologising, through your actions, for your body.



It’s understandable that we want to be liked
and being ‘fat’ is a pain in the arse because
there’s always someone there to give you advice on how to change.



I spent years telling my mind over and over and over that I wasn’t good enough every single time I engaged in conversation about my weight with other people.


Like ‘Fat Amy’ I got in there first to address it, but immediately apologised for not being thinner.



I let my weight define me.
I let my dieting define me.


Here’s the secret,





People who matter don’t care about what size you are.

And anyone who would comment has their own issues.

When someone comments on your weight, what they are really saying is

“I’m unhappy with my weight and you should be too”


It’s so widely accepted that we should apologise for something.


Having some belly fat
Not having a thigh gap
Having “jiggly” arms
Having big hips
Having small boobs
Having dark circles under your eyes
Not having perfect skin
Not having a six pack


What if we stopped apologising for ourselves?


Stop apologising and start appreciating


Try this:

Stand in front of your mirror and find three things that you like about yourself, MAYBE, even LOVE about yourself.
Do this every day.



This might seem too easy to be effective, how can finding a few good things about yourself work?

Changing how you see yourself, even in small ways, every day will give you a more positive outlook on your self.


Whatever your body looks like, be proud of it.

It has got you through your entire life, always working hard for you.

Take your body and learn to love it.

Give it the respect it deserves.


Go out there and represent yourself as you truly are.

Not a dieter.
Not a fat person.

A bloody phenomenal human being.


Because anyone who has ever judged you will forget all about it

But if you take it into your mind, it stays with you forever.


Stop apologising and start living.


Ainzlie xx

P.s once you see yourself in a positive way, you are able to persue health and fitness from a happier place. If you need some help, get in touch today. Spots are filling up fast for one on one training so get in while you can.

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