Bored with workouts at home? I’ve seen and heard this a lot over social media in the past few weeks. It’s boring not having the variety of exercises to do. But what if I told you that you can use that to your advantage? Read on…
Bored with workouts? Good.

The truth is, often times when people are looking to get fitter they choose a workout that they enjoy and they do that. They leave out any exercises that they don’t like and potentially create imbalances that later need to be addressed. Or, they will go to classes and follow whatever is being taught without having a structured plan.
Both of these strategies are great when you’re looking to be more active and maybe gain some fitness and lose some weight, but it’s easy to skip over the “boring” basics and attempt advanced or dangerous exercises shown on home workout websites.
Why learn to do a press up properly when you can attempt a one legged burpee into a tuck jump for time?
It’s easy to get distracted with the shiny and new but here is your opportunity to become acquainted with effective and trusted bodyweight exercises.
The best (boring) exercises can be done at home

Ok, you may need a bit of improvising and some equipment if you happen to have it to hand. Squats, Lunges, Press ups can all be done with no equipment.
Deadlifts, shoulder presses, rows can be done with weights or heavy(ish) things you can find around the house. You may need to be creative here.
Cardio exercises like jump jacks or burpees are simple to do anywhere.
Core exercises like planks and side planks are also simple to do.
Ok yes, a workout consisting of those exercises three times a week for the entirety of lockdown may get boring but you will get fitter. You will get stronger, is that not your goal?
See results by being bored
The repetition of basic exercises is what helps us to become stronger. There are many versions of press ups but you can only do them safely once you have mastered (and maybe bored yourself with) a good quality standard press up first.
All the squat variations are great but can do you a basic bodyweight squat with good technique first?
After all, athletes become good at their sports by doing the same moves over and over and over again. Ok, you’re (probably) not an athlete, but the same applies here.
In Summary
Now is not the time go to for your PB on deadlifts or lament the change in your main goal while the gym is closed. What is true is that you can move, to some degree, every day.
No, it’s not as varied as a circuit class in the gym, but it’s effective nonetheless.
So here’s to being bored with your workouts. Be bored, do them anyway, get fitter – job done.
p.s – If you want some coaching on how to put together your workout, find out more about my services during lockdown here.