This phrase came up with a client recently, on the subject of having too many things to do and not enough time.

But is it a lack of time

or a conflict of time…?

If you can’t find the time, this is for you.

Time and time again I hear things like

I can’t make it to the gym
I don’t have time to do a home workout
I don’t have time to food prep
I don’t have time to eat healthily


I’m here to tell you that it might be comfortable for you to say that, but in reality…?


It’s crap.


We make time for things we want to do.


Look at the things you spend most of your time on, are they enjoyable?

Do they get you closer to the person you want to be?

Are they the actions of a fit and healthy person?

^^^ that there is key.


See, if you want to be a fit and healthy person

You best start living like one.


Fit and healthy people make time for exercise
They make time for meal prep
They make good food decisions when faced with temptation

Are they perfect? No.

But you don’t need to be perfect, you just need to be consistent.


So often I hear people tell themselves and others that all they want is to be


Pick whatever one fits for you

But their actions aren’t those of someone who is focusing on weight loss.


and it’s ok not to focus on that

It’s perfectly OK to focus more on work or study

its perfectly OK to spend your time and energy elsewhere


but remember that is a CHOICE that you’re making

so don’t pretend that you’re not in control of your choices.


I get it, we’re tired, we’re stressed, we’re run down.


Who wants to go to the gym when you feel like that?

So you ask yourself this question


Can I dedicate time to losing weight right now?


If the answer is no, it’s time to accept that.

Remove the guilt that you feel from ‘being lazy’ and ‘needing to get back on it’

Today is not the day and that’s fine. Put it out of your mind until you’re ready.


Your priority DOES NOT have to be weight loss.

BUT – if it is, you better be ready to give it your all





or be disappointed.


Ainzlie xx

P.s – are you ready? Let’s go.

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