
A very Scottish solution you might think, but this is genuine advice that I gave to a client. Surely then I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m bad at my job, or…

Whisky for weight loss

A bit of back story here. This client is someone I have trained with for years, he’s amazing, works hard, is headstrong and like me – a bit of a rebel.

If I was to ask google for advice it would tell me to give him a strict calorie plan with rules and foods to avoid. I don’t do this for any of my clients but this guy in particular would not succeed. Not because he doesn’t work hard or isn’t capable but because it’s not the approach that works for him.

whisky for weight loss

Nutrition for you

Like with exercise everyone has strategies that work really well for them and others that will continually lead to disappointment and giving up. My job is to find what motivates you to continue, discover what makes you tick and make your plan fit around that.

So I talked with my client, turns out that alcohol is a change he is ready to make. So I asked him if he can switch from beer to whisky. A small change that will result in fewer calories without the feeling of being deprived.

“But Ainzlie, alcohol is the root of all weight gain and should be cut out immediately”

Ok… you go and a train a client with that attitude and come back and tell me how that goes.

Cos it’s my job to think differently. If you think that all dietary approaches are equal and suitable for everyone then you’re misinformed.

Did you fail your diet or did your diet fail you?

whisky for weight lossLets look at it this way, how many diets have you been on? How many times were you successful?

You, along with the rest of social media, probably presumed that you were lazy, undisciplined or both. But, what if it was the diet that failed you…?

I will say it again, all diets work for someone, but they don’t work for everyone. You need to find out what changes you are ready, willing and able to make consistently without struggle or deprivation. Once we find out what works for you, your only job is to plug away at it and keep going until you reach your goal.

Ok, enough of this, how do I get the whisky diet?

Firstly, a whisky diet will undoubtably kill you at some stage. But, if you like whisky and you find that your current drink of choice is beer or cocktails then this is a small switch that will reduce calories while allowing you to still drink some alcohol to relax. (Read, no-one needs a bottle just to relax).

But maybe your approach is different (it probably is). The changes that will have the biggest impact are ones that are personal, small, simple, easy to implement and work for you.

Until we meet and have a consultation I can’t tell you if you get the whisky diet or not but what I can tell you is that it could be the last diet you ever go on.
whisky for weight loss


p.s – If you are ready to have a chat about nutrition find out more here then lets have a chat, get in touch.