On this, April 1st – I am here to talk about free diet advice and workouts. 

First, let me tell you a story.


free diet advice and exercise

This week facebook went down and just like last time it happened people lost their minds. When it went down the other day people ran to twitter to complain about it.

The first few posts are:

“Is #FacebookDown?”

followed by endless memes of how this will negatively impact the lives of people who use this free service to skive off work.


“Facebook is down, now I have to talk to my family”

People just starting at their phones, crying.


Here’s the thing –

you get what you pay for

and people seem to forget that Facebook is a FREE service.


Yes, they take your data, keep your photos, listen to your conversations (allegedly) but they don’t charge you anything (just the price of your soul?)


Then there are the types of people who accept that it’s a free service, it’s not always perfect, they put their phone away and try again later.


Now I don’t run a multi-billion dollar social media company, but I work with people in frustrating situations nonetheless.


Free diet advice and workouts?

free diet advice and exercise

Most of my clients come to me after having tried the free diet advice and the free exercise plans that you can find online (and sometimes on facebook).


They follow the instagram stars who give out the free diet advice and exercise plans that are basically a vegan diet and interval workouts that are 90% burpees yet surprisingly these things didn’t work for them?!


These same people work with me, they pay for the right advice and to find the right approaches for their bodies and their lifestyles that allow them to reach their goals with no disruptions to service.


And, unsurprisingly when the plan is followed – they get results.


So it’s up to you, do you want to stick with free plans that may or may not work, or do you want to take the easier road and put some skin in the game to see results?



p.s – want to know more about my services? Here is more information on what I’m offering.