i hate exercise

I hate exercise!!!

Or I once did. It turns out that all of the exposure I’d had to exercise didn’t work with my personality. I dislike being shouted at.

It might be the same for you. Everyone is different, so it stands to reason that every personal trainer is different.

Which type do you prefer? And which type am I?

There are a lot of common misperceptions in my line of work. The thinking is that exercise is hard and that working out must be miserable.

If you’re enjoying it you can’t be doing it right, and those people that seem to like working out…well, they’re just weird.


If you’re one of those people you likely recognise this scenario…

Going to the gym with the Drill Sargent

You turn up to the gym, with your food diary (hereby known as the sheet of lies because you’re too scared to admit to that magnum that you ate).

Your PT looks over your sheet of lies and smiles.

^^^You learn here that the only way to please your PT is to lie.


You go to the gym and your PT tells you that you’re not working hard enough.

You must push through the pain.
There will be no stopping unless you faint or puke.


You leave feeling exhausted and useless and thinking


“I hate exercise”


^^^Here you learn that exercise is a miserable experience.

i hate exercise


This approach may be useful in the army but it’s not in my process.


So, heres the moment, if you want all that? I’m not for you. I wish you luck.


Drop and give me 20 (…good quality push ups, take a rest if you need it)

Yes, I could stand there and shout at you. It would save me from coaching you correctly.

Yes, I could give you a food plan and berate you when you don’t follow it. It would save me from educating you effectively about nutrition.


But here’s the thing. I don’t want my day filled with negativity any more than you do.


What do I do?

I spend my time teaching clients how to exercise safely.

I teach them how to know when to push and when to back off.

I encourage them to find the foods that work for them, rather than following a meal plan that will fall apart when they no longer need me.

I teach them the habits and skills needed to move on from me and live the life they always wanted. One free from confusion over food and exercise.


In conclusion

Exercise doesn’t have to be painful and unenjoyable.

Nutrition doesn’t have to be confusing, full of hurdles and filled with lies.


Believe it or not… this lifestyle can be fun. You just need to find the right approach.




p.s – looking for this approach? Get in touch and apply to take one of my last spaces for Summer.