Is Social Media actually social, or is it putting too much pressure on you?

(other social media platforms are available)
I remember a time when there was no social media. A teenage life free from Facebook and Twitter.
MySpace had become big by the time I was leaving my teens and I wasn’t overly bothered.
The selfie wasn’t as big of a thing. The hashtag wasn’t even thought of.
Bebo was a way to communicate with your close social group online.
And there was no such thing as a professional instagrammer.
A blissfully happy time where any social suffering had to happen in person.
There will always be people who make you feel less than purely by existing, comparison is natural for all humans after all.
^^^ cheery, right?
However, these people were never in your home, on your phone or in your head at the touch of a button.
Why I have removed almost all fitness Instagrammers
If you’re looking online for workouts, health tips, clean eating recipes you get bombarded with snap shots of people’s perfect lives that make you feel like a failure in comparison.
Some photos under the hashtag of #health are nothing more than semi naked images that lead us to believe that if we don’t have abs we aren’t healthy.
It’s body shaming at it’s most insidious.

Changing your habits is a long and sometimes hard road.
Making healthy choices when you’re surrounded by junk food is challenging.
Trying to fit in any workout possible when you work full time is difficult enough.
When you add in any past history of distorted body image or disordered eating and it’s a recipe for disaster.
You don’t need to be surrounded by images of perfect people who post their daily workouts and make you feel lazy for only exercising twice a week.
You’re not doing fitness wrong if you don’t go for a 10k run followed by a green juice every morning.
All you need is one small step at a time in the right direction.
For you this could be as simple as cutting down the sugar in your coffee, or it could mean adding more vegetables into your diet.
Your one small step might just be hiring a trainer to talk over your plan.
80% is good enough
So if there is anyone out there who posts online and they make you feel like a failure by comparison, take them off.
I’m sure they’re lovely and they’re trying to be inspirational and motivational and that’s great, but you don’t need any more negativity in your life.
The news is bad enough, climate change and politics and plastic in the ocean.
It’s time to unfollow the negative and follow people who add positivity and meaningfulness into your day.
Choose happiness.
Ainzlie xx