Today during a session with a client the subject of my arse came up.
My entire childhood and adolescence I was paranoid about my butt, especially since, unlike the song, I did not have an ‘itty bitty waist’ to match.
But NOW it’s popular!!!
I still have a big butt and while my waist is still not ‘itty bitty’ it’s clear that no matter what size I am, I will be blessed, generously, with my glutes.

Warming up my glutes...
It was suggested to me that I should start a ‘4 week booty’ programme. And it got me thinking,
The best way for me to make money in this industry is to lie.
That’s not to say that anyone who is successful and rich in the fitness industry is lying to you – just that it’s the easiest route.
See, a ‘4 week booty’ programme would imply that with the right exercises you could end up with glutes like mine (if you so desired) but that’s just not true.
You can lift and make your glutes stronger and bigger
You can work your lower body to sculpt your legs and hips
You can stick your butt out for your Instagram pictures
But at the end of the day, you have the body you’re born with, and that’s something to be proud of.
And that’s the reason I won’t do a programme like this. Because if you do achieve the butt you desire through exercise, should you ever stop it will go back to what is normal for you.
And then you think you’ve failed.
When really, it’s not failure. It’s your body going back to what your natural shape is supposed to be.
I will never sell a programme based on the implication that you should aim to have someone else’s body.
Should you choose to improve it by getting fitter, losing weight, building muscle then that’s absolutely fine.
But do it to enhance and build upon what you already have
NOT to change what you were blessed with because you think it’s not good enough.
Body trends change and in ten years it might be unfashionable to have a big butt
Toned arms might be ‘the thing’ by then (in which case I’m not so blessed)
At the end of the day,
if you chase the latest fad you’ll never be happy.
So ditch the booty plans
The ab plans
The arm plans
Focus on a whole body approach. Get stronger. Get fitter and rock what you’ve got.
Ainzlie “…and I cannot lie” McMaster
P.s if you don’t remember Sir Mix-a-lot, get to YouTube…
P.p.s- I still have some training spaces left but they are being taken up quick this week so get in touch soon if you want to work with me.
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