just do it

Nike are right and their tag line is the best. In sport, in the gym, in daily life. Just do it. 

Just do it.


So why don’t we?

Some of us do, of course. Some people do just get on with it and do whatever it is that they want to do. These bad ass people take their 24 hours and do some magical stuff with it.

The biggest problem with “Just do it” is the counter argument of:

“What if I fail?”


just do it

Failure is an uncomfortable feeling, particularly if we gave it our all (or felt like we did) and nothing comes of it.

With the internet today it can be easy to assume that other people decide to lose weight and then they just go and do it.

No dramas, no ups and downs, no problems, no crying.

These people “just did it” like it was effortless.

Here’s the Real Talk…


It’s not effortless and you might fail.


^^^ Some PTs won’t tell you that. But that’s the dirty truth of it.

But once you know that failure is a possibility – it becomes part of the journey.


Just do it. Even if you fail.
Especially if you’ve failed in the past.
Just do it – again.

The comfort of staying where you are, while inconvenient, is something you’re familiar with, it’s easy. There is no risk of failing.


But what if you don’t fail… What if you succeed?

just do it

Decisions, decisions.

Here’s a plot twist…

I need this pep talk as much as you do.

I’ve been helping people with their fitness and health for 8 years and now, after testing it out last year, I’m training people online.

I’m taking all my knowledge and experience with clients in the gym and my goal is to help more people.

^^^ I know that this “change the world” thing sounds cheesy but it’s true. I can help more people this way


Even though I want that though..? It’s scary.


It’s overwhelming some days. There’s doubt and uncertainty.

My heart beat rises when I think about it.

BUT it’s exciting at the same time.

The secret to achieving these scary goals is to be brave and do it. Be curious about what will happen if you follow through with it.

What will happen if you don’t give up…?

Here’s to Just Doing It.
just do it

Ainzlie xx

p.s – If you want some help just doing it check out my online coaching services.