Lockdown is a word we are not coming to get used to. It’s essential for our physical health at the moment but that doesn’t make it easy to deal with mentally.
This will be difficult for a lot of us so lets’ talk about mental health during lockdown .


1. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change”


I had to borrow use of that phrase from the Serenity Prayer just because it seems fitting right now. We are all in a situation that we can’t change.

This is where we are, all we can do is what is within our control. I spoke about strategies for that in last week’s blog post.

This is an important step for our mental health. We all feel anxious about what is happening and what is to come, but we can’t change it right now. So take a deep breath and know that we can all get through this.


2.Know that you won’t always be motivated


mental health
As someone who has run my own business for nearly 10 years which includes working from home, I can assure you, you will not always be “on it”. Let’s see how it breaks down


30/40% Hell yes, on it. Productivity through the roof.
30/40% meh, not feeling it, producing what you think is ‘sub standard’ work but it’s probably totally fine.
30% I hate this. Why do I do this. Everyone can piss off. I don’t want to do this. I’m tired and nothing is working.


You will learn to work during the good times and the bad times and the times where you are really struggling? Open a window and scream out of it for a few seconds.
Take a break, go on your daily walk and come back knowing that yes, it’s unfair but that everyone else is in it too.

3.Move every day.

mental health
We have our allowance for our time outdoors. I am encouraging my clients to walk at least one mile every day. Anything that can get you moving is going to help but we should also be moving throughout the day. Stand up from your desk, stretch out. Walk around your flat or house. Do some squats or press ups. Just move.


I’m working with my clients from home to help keep them physically fit and improve their mental health and moving during this lockdown is essential for both of those things. Find out more about my services here.


4.Plan your meals and plan your breaks


mental health
We are now spending a lot of time sitting and being sedentary. There’s a lot of screen time and we will easily become fatigued by it, especially if you’re not used to it.


It will be easy to sit at the computer all day and when you look up 6 hours have passed and you’ve not had a rest. If you’ve also avoided eating a proper meal you can find yourself snacking or emotionally eating during this time.


So, plan a lunch break, set an alarm for this. Plan your meals. Plan your day as much as you can. This gives you some structure, ensures that you’re getting breaks, eating healthfully and exercising regularly.


If you would like more help with your nutrition during the next few weeks, check out my 10 week “emotional eating” programme here.


5.Have a bedtime routine!!

mental health

Don’t stay up til 3am and get up at 12pm if it’s not what you usually do.


This is for those with flexible working hours obviously, those of you who can still stick to 9-5 will find that you transition into this with less upheaval. Keep your routine as close to the one you had before, this is essential for your mental health. Lack of sleep can make us more anxious, tired and can lead to low mood.


This will end eventually and we will go back to work and you don’t wanna have a long and exhausting transition then!


In Summary,


Be kind to yourself, try to make this time as smooth and easy as possible.


You’re doing well. Keep going.
P.S If you’re not sure how to move with the best results from home with no equipment, I can help you.