Ainzlie McMaster
Female Personal Trainer
That’s me on the right, not quite at my biggest cos at a UK size 22 I didn’t want to be in front of a camera.
Over the years I tried all of the diets and the workout programmes. It would work until it didn’t.
I yo-yo’d for years, struggling to stay on track and not fall off the wagon.
Every single day was a test in willpower to keep my weight down and stay on track. My life was spent trying to control everything I ate to stay on top of my diet.
Hell, I even changed my job and became a fitness instructor just to make sure I would work out consistently cos I couldn’t get into a routine. I was sure I was lazy greedy and undisciplined.
Then I discovered my adhd, and realised the problem wasn’t me – it was my approach.
I was trying to navigate this weight loss thing by doing things the “way they are meant to be done” which was like having both hands tied behind my back and following a roadmap that didn’t make sense.

My philosophy
Whether you are part of the adhd/autism neurodivergent spectrum or not, I believe that every client is an individual who deserves to find a plan that works specifically for them.
A personalised nutrition and workout plan that works with your body, your life, and your neurodivergent brain.
I’m gonna help you design your roadmap, untie those hands and coach you to create your best self.
Get ready for your glow up – this is your time.
Find out about my online coaching here
Want to add in person sessions? Find out more here
SavagePT – You don’t need to be neurodivergent to train here – but it helps!
Ainzlie xx
Are you feeling unsure about how to improve your diet?
Struggling to make sense of confusing nutritional advise online?
Just want someone to tell you what to eat?
Let me help.
Sign up here for 5 day free coaching with me
and I’ll help you build a healthy diet that you love.