Big girl pants

Do as I say not as I do right?

I remember hearing that from someone I worked with at my last job, all I could think when I looked at her was

“Wow, you’re quite lazy aren’t you?”

^^^ it’s not judgemental if it’s a fact.

Recently I’ve been avoiding something.

It’s been niggling at me, every so often peeking out of behind my subconscious waving at me


You’re avoiding me, aren’t you?!”

Big girl pants

My advice to anyone in this situation is to have a coffee, take a deep breath, put your big girl (or boy) pants on and do it.

It’s scary but it has to be done. Take the plaster off quickly and it will hurt less.



But I have a lot to dooooooo
I have other things to focus on….
I’m a busy woman

^^^This is Ainzlie code for “I’d really rather not tackle this stressful thing”


Then yesterday I realised I’m a massive hypocrite if I don’t take my own advice.

What kind of PT am I if I’m telling my clients to push past their fears if I don’t do it myself?


So last night, I got into bed…

Told myself I was gonna have a great nights sleep (I did)
I was gonna get up and meditate (yep)
Do a workout (yep)
Have breakfast (yep)
Have a coffee (mmmm yep)



It’s done.


What is it? Heehee well, you’ll see the results of my hard work soon enough.


The moral of the story?

Stop looking at your tasks, big or small, as something impossible.

It’s comfortable for us to look at a massive task and tell ourselves that we can’t.


I can’t do that
I don’t have time to do that
I don’t have enough energy for that
I’m not fit enough/thin enough/disciplined enough to do that


What if you turn that round and tell yourself that not only can you tackle it but you can achieve it?


Don’t think you can meal plan? Try it.

Don’t think you can find healthy foods that taste nice? Try to.

Don’t think you can do a morning workout? How do you know if you haven’t tried?


Whatever you’re avoiding try a different approach.Big girl pants

Tonight, tell yourself



And tomorrow? You DO IT.

Get it done.


Ainzlie “proactive” McMaster


P.s – look out for my gift from me to you coming up soon.

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