
You may have seen and heard in many places that it takes 21 days to form a habit. As usual, soundbite “facts” like these run wild in the diet industry as they’re easily repeated and believed.

However, as we get to week 3 of January you might be wondering when your new resolutions will become an easy habit (if they haven’t already).

So, how long does it take for something to become a habit?

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2018 is officially well underway. It’s the start of the first full week of work.

How are those resolutions coming?

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what if i canThe best part of my job is seeing a client doing something they thought they couldn’t do, or working hard to achieve something that was once impossible.

Whether through injury or lack of experience we are sometimes nervous to try new things, the risk of injury might hold us back, fear of disappointment if we can’t do something, humiliation if it goes wrong.

But what if you CAN do it?

What if you ARE capable of the advanced move? What if you really can do a press up you just need a bit of coaching? What if you pushed yourself a little bit, what would happen?

Curiosity about your abilities is the best thing you can bring to your workout.

So what if you can’t? You keep trying until you can. But on that day when you manage it… Nothing rivals that feeling.


Be curious.


Ainzlie xx

This is a question I’ve been asked many times and if you’ve ever asked me for “a workout” you’ll know that I’ve said no. Here’s why…

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How much time have you spent looking in the mirror being unhappy with what you see?

How normal is to to watch our friends, Sisters, Mothers and Grandmothers look in the mirror and judge themselves? Berate themselves? Depress themselves?


There are entire industries dependant on women looking into mirrors and feeling unhappy. And quite frankly, I’ve had enough.

Let’s learn how to love your body.

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lessons from deadpool

Lessons from Deadpool

A few weeks ago I went to see Deadpool with my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day (aww)

Amazing film. Absolutely brilliant.

If you’ve not seen it yet, keep an eye on the intro… Read more

It’s the 1st of March!

Is it just me or has it flown by?

Yesterday everyone was on about it being ‘an extra day’ and since it was also a Monday the #motivationmonday crowd were falling over themselves to out do each other. Read more

“It’s the worst time of year to start.”

One of my new clients said this to me last week, a highly motivated woman who wants to take charge of her fitness and make progress, someone who loves exercise and even she admits that Christmas is a hard time to get started.

But is it?

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How can you make sure you achieve your goals in 2015?

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Every January it’s time to make your new years resolutions. The 1st of January is the ultimate Monday, the year lies ahead and you have the opportunity to grasp it. In 365 days time you could be the person you want to be if you follow your new years resolutions. How can you be sure you’ll nail your resolutions for next year?



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