
I hate exercise!!!

Or I once did. It turns out that all of the exposure I’d had to exercise didn’t work with my personality. I dislike being shouted at.

It might be the same for you. Everyone is different, so it stands to reason that every personal trainer is different.

Which type do you prefer? And which type am I? Read more

Snacking vs 3 square meals.

6 meals or 3?

Who’s right?

How often should you eat for weight loss?

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Long gone are the days of lifting 1kg weights and hoping for results (hopefully)

Now weight training has equal footing with cardio in gyms up and down the country for women as well as men (hopefully)

However, if you’re nervous or unsure here are some reasons why resistance training deserves your attention.


Here are 5 reasons to lift weights…

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We eat!!!

Who knew?

Special K, that’s who. After all, every January for many a year back in the early 00’s they sold us a 2 week crash diet to lose the Christmas 10lbs, so whats this new advert about…?

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Diets are everywhere, they’re just in disguise now.

It used to be low fat yogurts and ryvita. The rules were simple, buy anything that had “low fat” on the packet and go on your merry way.

Now they have fancy names like “intermittent fasting” and “ketogenic”

medical sounding names for a set of rules designed for fast weight loss.

So where does “Carb Cycling” come in…?

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This has come up a few times recently with clients and its something that needs to be addressed.

In this day of glorified restriction and orthorexia disguised as “clean eating” I feel the need to make one thing perfectly clear…

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This post is addressing something that I believe to be really important. Something that is encouraged that might be ruining your fitness and your health.

In a world where everyone is posting about their daily workouts or checking in at the gym I think it’s important for me to tell you the truth… Read more

This is a question I’ve been asked many times and if you’ve ever asked me for “a workout” you’ll know that I’ve said no. Here’s why…

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Exercise is extremely important when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. But a lot of newbies get it wrong. Including myself!

Heres 5 easy steps on how to exercise and enjoy it.

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How much time have you spent looking in the mirror being unhappy with what you see?

How normal is to to watch our friends, Sisters, Mothers and Grandmothers look in the mirror and judge themselves? Berate themselves? Depress themselves?


There are entire industries dependant on women looking into mirrors and feeling unhappy. And quite frankly, I’ve had enough.

Let’s learn how to love your body.

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