1. Ignore all the people who are making you feel bad for not learning a new language or starting to knit

2. Realise that your sole purpose during lockdown is not to lose weight
Disclaimer, I am talking to myself here too. In the lead up to the lockdown I was definitely not looking after myself properly in terms of sleep and smart food choices. As such, I have gained weight.
Do I feel a bit uncomfortable about it? Yeah, sure. But I know enough about myself that I knew my healthy eating habits would slip during this time and so now I’m changing my habits and behaviours back to what they were before. My weight will stabilise by itself, I don’t need to chase weight loss.
If anything the last thing we need right now, is a diet. Diets are stressful, time consuming and strict. Do we need another area of our lives with restrictions?
If you’ve put on some lockdown related weight gain, firstly – I’m with you. Secondly, relax a bit over it. Read here about ways to improve your mental health during lockdown and know that when things get into a bit of a routine, your food choices can too.
3. Celebrate the little wins

4. Take care of your mental health

5. Be kind to yourself and also to others

What can I do that would make my day easier right now? If it helps, learn a language or how to knit. Take up a hobby that you gave up or find a new one – but only if these are useful and don’t add to your stress levels.

In Summary
Stay inside unless you have to go out.
Keep a safe distance of 2m when you do.