
Are you fed up of falling off the wagon over Christmas?

Do you want to stay active and stay accountable to someone in December?

Do you want some actual coaching to help you stay active this month?


This opportunity is for you.

Read on…

What is the #SavageChristmas 30 day workout challenge?

The challenge is trying to stay active during December, how many years have come and gone and the workouts dwindled as the month went on?

Can you do this workout regularly throughout December?

Can you post on the facebook group to stay accountable?

Can you do burpees for a minute?


That is the challenge.


What is the workout?

The workout is using your bodyweight and is easy to do anywhere, including a tiny hallway – as you will see from my videos.

It’s easy to follow, easy to customise and can take as little as 15 minutes to complete (not including shower time afterwards!)

How much does it cost?

For you? Free.

Consider this my Christmas present to you. I know all too well the pattern of getting into a routine all for it to be dashed away over Christmas and having to drag yourself off the sofa in January. Lets put cost aside for one month and stick together the best way I know how – through exercise.


How does it work?

You have a workout that you follow through my online training app. The workout contains videos and you have workouts scheduled so that you can stay accountable.

Each day you log in to the app, complete the workout, take a quick sweaty selfie in the progress pictures section, click “check in” and off you go on your merry way.


Why the selfie?

Good question! For those that take part a lucky 3 people will be selected to receive free online training from me in January. Another 30 days free for those lucky people.

The people who post the most sweaty selfies in their progress pictures will be entered into a draw and 3 people will be chosen for free training!
No cheating! I’ll be looking at them all so no multiple posting or it wont count.


Who can take part?

Anyone can take part although it is VITAL that you fill out the health forms before taking part. These forms allow me to know whether you will need modifications before you can do the exercise safely.

If forms are not filled out you cannot take part in this training so please make sure that this is done before you start.


How do I join???

Click here for SavageChristmas sign up page 

then here for the facebook group

