Weight loss

I was asked the other day why I don’t do a ‘diet bet’ type challenge with my clients.

This lead to a rant inside my head that I thought I should actually share it with you all.

If you’re unsure of what diet bet is, essentially it’s a group of people who all pay to join this challenge.
– It may or may not be run by a qualified professional –
Whoever loses the most weight wins all the money. If two people tie then they share it.

Weight loss

On the face of it this seems great


But here’s my issue.


You might be tempted to join a diet bet, Instagram seems to be full of them. But all too soon this friendly competition can go from healthy motivation to unhealthy eating habits just to try and win.

Quick fix and lasting results don’t belong in the same sentence.


Why it’s not all about weight

Firstly, the number on the scale is of little importance in the grand scheme of things.

I’ve clients lose inches and lose weight
I’ve had clients lose inches and stay the same weight

And I’ve had clients lose inches and gain weight.

Weight loss

In fact I only use the weight measurement in conjunction with other methods because your actual mass only tells part of the story.

If you gain weight and gain inches then yes, your progress is going in the wrong way if your goal is weight loss.

BUT focusing purely on weight isn’t the way to long term success.


Weight loss: why six weeks isn’t enough


These changes that you need to make to see health improvements and weight loss need to last for your entire life.

You can’t do a six week programme and expect to carry those results forever.


Sure, they work for weight loss in the short term but no one ever comes to me and says


I’d like to lose weight over 6 weeks, keep it off for another 6 and then increase my weight again please, I’m especially interested in the decline in motivation, belief and increased feeling of failure that will follow.”


Does that sound like something you want?


Why money isn’t a motivator

Weight loss for money

Great you’ll win some cash if you lose the most weight.

That thought will keep you going during those times where you just really want a biscuit.

But what about when no one is going to pay you to lose weight?

If your only motivator is the cash you might win as soon as that goes you’re on your own.

Motivation needs to come from inside you, something that will keep you going on days when it just seems too hard.

This is why I spent time goal setting with my clients, if you can’t visualise that goal you’ll never reach it, not for all the money in the world.


The changes needed for lasting results have to become a way of life.

For the REST of your life.


So if you are looking for that 6 week bikini workout it’s easy to find an Instagram trainer who will help you.


Me? I’m over here offering you LASTING CHANGE. And I’ll be here when all the other plans don’t work and you’re at the end of the road.


After all it took me years to figure this out, the struggle is real.

But don’t struggle too long. It’s time to realise you’re worth a lot more than a six week plan.





P.s – look out for my new nutrition coaching programme coming soon, more details to follow.

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